Get Involved

There are several ways you can get involved helping our non-profit work.


If you live in the St. Thomas / Elgin County region, we would love to hear from you. We need drivers, food sorters and volunteers for a variety of tasks. You can volunteer one day per week or one day per month. Whatever meets your schedule.

Please complete this fillable form and save it to your computer.
Then attach the form in an email to


Print the form, fill it in and then scan it or take a picture of it with your smart phone and attach it in an email to


Cost of operation for our non-profit work remains very low with over 90% of every dollar donated going to help agencies and families who need our help.

While the food and the labour to handle thousands of pounds of food is donated, we need your financial support to cover the costs of warehousing, transportation and a variety of other needs. We receive no government funding to maintain our non-profit work.

Harvest Hands work is made possible entirely by donations . All gifts will be tax receipted as allowed by CRA regulations.

Every $1 donated helps us provide the equivalent to 3 nutritious meals to families in need.

Your monthly support will make a difference monthly in hundreds of families lives. Thank you for your generous support.

$25 per month will provide 75 nutritious meals per month

$50 per month will provide 150 Meals nutritious meals per month

$100 per month will provide 300 Meals nutritious meals per month