We think we need to earn God’s love.
We believe life is about being a ‘good person’ and then God will accept us and let us into heaven when we die.
The Bible doesn’t teach either of these things.

The Bible tells us God loves us despite our failures, sins, and wrongs. We cannot and do not need to earn God’s love. But the Bible also tells us we cannot meet God’s moral standards and expectations. So, what are we to do?
The Bible’s answer: we must turn away from the things we know are wrong and simply accept by faith the free gift of God’s grace revealed in the person of Jesus. Jesus provides God’s free favour for us by living the life we should have lived and dying the death we should have died on the cross in our place.
This is called the Gospel or Good News about Jesus.
Basically, we are more sinful and broken than we really want to admit, but we are more loved and accepted by God in Jesus Christ than we could ever hope at the very same time!
Are you still trying to earn God’s love and favour by being a good person? Do you think you’ve done too many bad things for God to love you? God already loves you and Jesus sacrifice on the cross is proof that you are already forgiven of your past.