HARVEST HANDS is a non-profit food distribution centre dedicated to ‘rescuing’ food from bakers to retailers to help agencies and thousands of families throughout SW Ontario. Funded entirely by donations and volunteer-driven, Harvest Hands provides food to over 200 organizations, agencies and missions, who in turn, feed over 60,000 meals per month. Individuals and families seeking food assistance please click here.

Jim Collins, Executive Director
Jim Collins is a businessman who founded Harvest Hands to rescue thousands of dollars of surplus food to help families and agencies with safe and nutritious meals for a hand-up to a healthier future.
Together We Can End Hunger
Partnering with agencies to make a difference in lives.
Our network is comprised of more than 200 agencies across SW Ontario including food banks, pantries, soup kitchens, missions, emergency shelters, residences, seniors’ residences, community housing and other programs. We are motivated to demonstrate God’s love through acts of kindness and are committed to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable in our region.
Our Vision
In the process of eliminating hunger for those most vulnerable, our vision is to seek practical means to equip individuals and families with skills for independent living. This includes training on education and employment, financial management and other aspects of healthy living.